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Plast for Clinics

We will kindly help you to get an ambulance as fast as you want it! Our connection to the community is why we never forget that the people we serve are our number one priority.

Plast WebApp

We will kindly help you to get an ambulance as fast as you want it! Our connection to the community is why we never forget that the people we serve are our number one priority.

Requests 📝

We will kindly help you to get an ambulance as fast as you want it! Our connection to the community is why we never forget that the people we serve are our number one priority.

Active Ambulance 🚑

We will kindly help you to get an ambulance as fast as you want it! Our connection to the community is why we never forget that the people we serve are our number one priority.


Assigned ✅

We will kindly help you to get an ambulance as fast as you want it! Our connection to the community is why we never forget that the people we serve are our number one priority.

Operations started 😉

We will kindly help you to get an ambulance as fast as you want it! Our connection to the community is why we never forget that the people we serve are our number one priority.
